Friday, September 30, 2011

Math Test Moved to Monday

The kids were exhausted after MAP testing today, so I decided to move the math test to Monday so they would be rested up.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sitton Spelling 5th Grade Core Words Spelling List


A few parents asked me if I had a list of Sitton Spelling words for 5th grade. Miss Andrea typed them up and I just uploaded the spelling list to Google Docs. If you scroll down the sidebar, the first item under Word Work Help is the spelling list for you to print out and have.

제가 다섯째 학년을위한 Sitton 맞춤법 단어의 목록이있다면 부모님이 내게 물었다.미스 안드레아 그들을 입력하고 난 그냥 Google 문서 도구 철자 목록을 업로드할 수 없습니다. 당신은 사이드바를 아래로 스크롤하면, 워드 작업을 도와 아래의 첫 번째 항목 출력 수있는 철자 목록입니다.

Algunos padres me preguntó si yo tenía una lista de palabras de ortografía Sitton de 5 º grado. La señorita Andrea que escribió a máquina y me acaba de cargar la lista de palabras a Google Docs. Si se desplaza hacia abajo la barra lateral, el primer elemento en "Word Work Help" es la lista de palabras para que usted pueda imprimir y tener.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mrs. Stevens' You Tube Channel

To help you prepare for International Day, I'd like you to click on my You Tube Channel (on the side panel under "Our Sites") and watch the videos. They will help you have a clearer picture of your roles and the roles of other people in the government.

Math Test Unit 2 on Friday

You will need to know:
  • Place value of numbers (ones, tens, hundreds, etc.)
  • Addition and subtraction of whole numbers and decimals
  • Convert between US customary units of length (inches, feet, yards)
  • Identify multiplication errors
  • Explain usefulness of making an estimate
  • Make magnitude estimate (Is the answer going to be in the hundredths, tenths, ones, tens, etc.)
  • Describe numerical probabilities using words or phrases (like certain, unlikely, etc.)
  • Write numbers in expanded notation (433 = 400 + 30 + 3)
  • Find landmarks for a data set (mean, median, mode, minimum, maximum, range)
  • Write and solve number sentences

Dear parents,

One of the famous freedoms that we have been talking about from the Bill of Rights is the Freedom of Religion that is guaranteed under the United States Constitution. I've asked the students to research their religion and make a poster about their religion. I've brought books in, but I want them to speak with you as well. Students should answer these questions:

1. Where does your religion believe that people came from? (Ex. God created them, we evolved from monkeys)
2. What does your religion believe happens to you when people die? (Ex. Goes to heaven or hell, reincarnation, etc.)
3. What does your religion teach about how we should live our lives?
4. What are some special celebrations of your religion?
5. Who do we follow? (Ex. Buddha, Jesus)
6. What are some general beliefs of your religion?

We are doing this to promote acceptance and understanding of each other under the Bill of Rights. If you do not follow a formal religion, you may adapt these questions to your family beliefs. Instead of having the title of "Buddhism" or "Catholicism" you can simply have the title of "Our Beliefs."

Either way, these are important questions to thoughtfully discuss with your children. This is due on October 6th.


친애하는 부모,

우리가 권리 장전에서 말하는 것으로 유명한 자유 중 하나는 미국 헌법에 따라 보장 종교 자유입니다. 나는 그들의 종교를 연구하고 그들의 종교에 대한 포스터를 만들기 위해 학생을 요청했습니다. 가져했지만, 난 그들이뿐만 아니라당신과 얘기하고 싶습니다. 학생들은 이러한 질문에 대답해야합니다 :

1. 어디 종교는 사람들이 있다고 생각합니까? (예 하나님이 그들을 만든, 우리가 원숭이에서 진화)
2. 사람이 죽으면 무엇 종교가 무엇을 믿는하면 어떻게됩니까? (예 : 하늘이나지옥, 환생 이동합니다)
3. 당신의 종교는 우리가 우리의 삶을 살아야한다고하는 방법에 대한 무엇을 가르치는가?
4. 당신의 종교의 특별한 행사는 무엇입니까?
5. 우리는 누구를 따라합니까? (예 석가, 예수)
6. 당신의 종교의 몇 가지 일반적인 신념은 무엇입니까?

우리는 권리 장전에 따라 서로의 수용 이해를 증진하기 위해 이것을하고 있습니다. 당신이 공식 종교를 수행하지 않으면, 당신은 당신의 가족의 믿음 이러한 질문을 적응 수 있습니다. 대신 "불교"또는 "천주교"의 제목을 갖는 당신은 단순히 제목을 가질 수 있습니다 "우리의 믿음을."

어쨌든, 이들이 신중 아이와 함께 의논하는 것이 중요 질문입니다. 왔구나 6 일예정이다.

Queridos padres,

Una de las famosas libertades que hemos estado hablando acerca de la Declaración de Derechos es la libertad de religión que está garantizada por laConstitución de los Estados Unidos. Le he pedido a los estudiantes a la investigación de su religión y hacer un cartel sobre su religión. He traído libros,pero quiero hablar con usted. Los estudiantes deben responder a estas preguntas:

1. ¿De dónde viene su religión creen que la gente vino? (Ex. Dios los creó,hemos evolucionado de los monos)
2. ¿Qué hace su religión creen que te pasa cuando la gente muere? (Ex. va, el cielo o el infierno la reencarnación, etc)
3. ¿Qué hace su religión enseña acerca de cómo debemos vivir nuestras vidas?
4. ¿Cuáles son algunas celebraciones especiales de su religión?
5. ¿A quién seguimos? (Ex. Buda, Jesús)
6. ¿Cuáles son algunas de las creencias generales de su religión?

Estamos haciendo esto para promover la aceptación y la comprensión de sí en virtud de la Declaración de Derechos. Si usted no sigue una religión formal, quepuede adaptarse a estas preguntas a las creencias de su familia. En lugar de tener el título de "Budismo" o "catolicismo" sólo tiene que tener el título de"nuestras creencias."

De cualquier manera, estas son preguntas importantes para discutircuidadosamente con sus hijos. Esto es debido el 6 de octubre.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Constitution Assignment


Your assignment this week is to write a constitution for your family modeled on the Constitution of the United States. You may have help from your parents for this assignment. It must include:

A preamble
The three branches of government and their responsibilities (For example, my mom is the President of the family, it is her responsibility to . . . )
A bill of rights.
A list of responsibilities which help the family run smoothly.

This is due Monday, October 3rd. I would like for it to be typed.


당신의 임무는 이번 주 미국의 헌법을 모델로 당신의 가족을 위해 헌법을 작성하는 것입니다. 이 과제에 대한 부모의 도움이있을 수 있습니다. 그것은 포함한다 :

세 정부의 지점과 책임은 (예를 들어, 엄마가 가족의 대통령, 그것은 그녀의 책임입니다...)
권리의 빌.
원활하게 가족이 운영하는 도움이 책임 목록입니다.

이것은 10월 3일 (월요일) 예정이다. 그것이 입력되어 있어야합니다 나는 싶습니다.


Su misión esta semana consiste en escribir una constitución para su familia la cual esta modelado de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos. Usted puede tener la ayuda de sus padres para esta tarea. Ésta debe incluir:

Un preámbulo
Los tres poderes del Estado y sus responsabilidades (por ejemplo, mi mamá es el Presidente de la familia, es su responsabilidad...)
Un proyecto de ley de los derechos.
Una lista de responsabilidades que ayudan a los familiares sin problemas.

Esto se debe Lunes, 03 de octubre. Me gustaría que fuera escrito por computadora.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sign up for Khan Academy before Friday

Parents, please check your e-mail for instructions on how to sign your children up for Khan Academy. Some of my e-mails appear to be identified as spam or junk e-mails.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pet Expo News

The school has asked us to let you know about the contests being held at Pet Expo:

Description: expo pet text.jpg


You can participate in activities that will last all day and contests to register on the day of the event. There are also competitions you will have to register for and be prepared before the event.

1. The best CACHINA: The owner and their dog parade on stage with his best cachina or costume! The dog must be dressed or disguised.

2. Copa ANIMAL Rescue: Two soccer games. One for children and one for adults. Sign up to be a part of a soccer team and play in our championship.

3. Photography COMPETITION: Through a photograph, show us your vision of the reality of street animals. Age: 14 to 17 qualify for this contest. Please send your photograph in an email to with your name and age. Once you qualify, we will notify you by email. You will have to take your photograph to Expo Pet before 11 AM. The photo must be printed on glossy photo paper A3 size.

4. T-SHIRT CONTEST : : Through your design, show us your positive message with regard to the treatment of animals. Age: 10 to 17 qualify for this contest.

Methodology: Make your design by hand or on computer, and bring it to Expo Pet on a sheet size A4 before 11 AM. It should consist of an explanatory drawing with or without text.

Please send your design in an email to with your name and age to pre-qualify. Once you qualify, we will notify you by email. You will have to take your photograph to Expo Pet before 11 AM.

We will print the design on t-shirts. All profits will go towards the rescued animals. IMPORTANT: The winning design will be the property of Rescate Animal. The contestant gives Rescate Animal all rights of his art to put on t-shirts or any other article that R.A. creates. The winner will not receive a portion of the proceeds of sales of articles that include his design.

5.THE CRAZIEST COLLAR:Let the creativity flow through your veins so a masterpiece arises! Age: 10-17 Methodology – create a dog or cat collar with any materials, not harmful or uncomfortable to the animal. Wear it the day of the event before 11 AM.

Rescate Animal

We will be starting a class competition for Rescate Animal for badly needed supplies to help them do their good work of rescuing animals in danger, abandoned, neglected, and abused around Guayaquil.

Here is how we will proceed:

We will start collections from classrooms on the afternoon of September 12 (after the pet show) until September 22. We will announce the winning class at the Pet Expo on Sat. September 24 and again in the school newsflash. You may begin bringing in donations at your convenience.

The winning class will receive a special day with their name on it. This will include apizza party and a free dress day.

Attached is a flyer listing the items assigned to each class and the point value of each item. The class with the highest points(divided by the number of students in each class-to make it fair for the classes with fewest students to compete) at the end of the competition wins.

Rescate Animal has provided a listing of places where the prices are best value of most of the medical supplies. The classes maybring in the item itself or the monetary value of the item and NHS will purchase the items at the end of the competition. This will make it easier for students to donate as they wish and will be safer for the younger children whose parents may not wish their children to handle medical supplies. I have put some prices where I know them.

There is a file attached for each level including 1 for primary, 1 for intermediate/upper elementary, 1 for middle school, and 1 for high school. Notice at the end of the list there is a section of general donations which is the same for all groups.

For any questions, contact me.

Thank you, and good luck all.

Lisa Evans