Function: adjective
Comparative and superlative forms: more rigorous; most rigorous
Meanings: 1 : very strict and demanding
The math tests were sent home on Friday to be signed. I hope you saw them.
a.k.a The Miss Rumphius Difference
National Honor Society is organizing IA’s Annual Christmas Food Drive. We would like the IA community to have an opportunity to show our great appreciation for everything that the IA janitorial staff does to keep our campus beautiful, safe, and well maintained. NHS is asking for your help in collecting non-perishable food to present to the janitors before our Christmas holidays. Please encourage your child to bring any donations to their classroom before December 16th. We appreciate your support and help as we try to make this year’s food drive a great success!
The CLO office will be hosting a holiday bazaar at InterAmerican Academy on December 5th from 11-4 PM. All Consulate employees and their families, as well as the school staff and students’ families and friends are invited to attend!
Chickenpox causes a red, itchy rash on the skin that usually appears first on the abdomen or back and face, and then spreads to almost everywhere else on the body, including the scalp, mouth, nose, ears, and genitals.
The rash begins as multiple small, red bumps that look like pimples or insect bites. They develop into thin-walled blisters filled with clear fluid, which becomes cloudy. The blister wall breaks, leaving open sores, which finally crust over to become dry, brown scabs.
Chickenpox blisters are usually less than a quarter of an inch wide, have a reddish base, and appear in bouts over 2 to 4 days. The rash may be more extensive or severe in kids who have skin disorders such as eczema.
Some kids have a fever, abdominal pain, sore throat, headache, or a vague sick feeling a day or 2 before the rash appears. These symptoms may last for a few days, and fever stays in the range of 100°–102° Fahrenheit (37.7°–38.8° Celsius), though in rare cases may be higher. Younger kids often have milder symptoms and fewer blisters than older children or adults.