Tuesday, August 31, 2010

E-mail issues

Our e-mail has been out since Wednesday. If you have tried to e-mail me, I am not ignoring you. :-) Please write a note in the homework agenda if you need to get in touch with me for now.

Social Studies Test

The social studies test today was centered around knowing geographical terms. Students were told to study the vocabulary and understand it.
Those who did study the vocabulary did well on the test. Those who haven't mastered the vocabulary struggled with the test.
Students may use their textbooks to correct their test and re-draw the map for question 15 to raise their grades!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Map Test this week!!!

Please, please, please make sure your child is on time this week. We will be doing MAP testing this week Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Also, make sure they get a good night's sleep and have a healthy breakfast.

Social Studies Test Tomorrow

Students should be very familiar with all the geography terms in Chapter 1, study chapter 1, and also study their student notebooks.

Friday, August 27, 2010

6-Trait Scoring

We had an informative two days scoring the 6 + 1 Traits school-wide assessment. Wednesday I was part of the scoring team that scored 6th - 12th grade, and Thursday I was part of the team that scored 2nd - 5th grade. Nursery - 1st grade will be scored next week.

As soon as I can, I'll get those scores posted and out to you so you can see how your child is starting out the year in writing.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Information for Parents

I'll be absent Wednesday and Thursday as I am involved in scoring 6 + 1 Traits assessments for grades 2 - 12. Your children are in the hands of a competent substitute, Miss Erica. They will work on an intensive social studies mini-unit with her.

Thanks for your understanding.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Open House

Thanks to those of you who came to the Open House last night. I really enjoyed meeting you. I'm sending a letter home to those of you who couldn't make it. Please read it!

I'm still looking for volunteers:
  • To make posters
  • Room parents
  • To read with students
  • To talk about your job or hobby

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Open House Thursday Evening

This year’s Elementary Open House will take place on Thursday, August 19, from 6:30-8:00pm. This will be an opportunity for parents to meet the teachers and to become better acquainted with this year’s academic program. I'm looking forward to seeing you. Please come, it's important.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sitton Spelling Information


As you know, Sitton Spelling is about mastery, NOT about memorizing a list of spelling words that we soon forget. Thus, students do not know which words they will be tested on each week.

I put a list of the Sitton Spelling Core Words for 5th grade on the sidebar of this blog under "Word Work help."

Second Step

We teachers will teach the Second Step program this year. This program teaches students social skills they need to work together with other people. Last year Marcela Doylet taught Unit I: Empathy Training. This year I will teach Unit II: Impulse Control and Problem Solving, and Unit III: Anger Management.

Students will occasionally receive homework, and lots of time the homework involves the family. Thanks in advance for your support.

Friday, August 6, 2010

New Social Studies Curriculum

Social Studies Alive: America's Past is our new social studies textbook. There is a nice feature at their website: http://www.teachtci.com/programs/enrichment-resources.html
You can register for free and complete various enrichment activities. Sometimes I will sign activities from this site, so be sure to register.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

If your child is missing the beginning of the school year...

Please count on them staying after school the first few days they are back (except for Tuesdays) so I can catch up on beginning of the year assessments in spelling (2 assessments), reading (1 assessment), and math (4 assessments).

Also, I'll keep what we've done posted here as there may be some assignments that can be completed before you return. If not, they'll need to be completed upon your return.

  • Read Thank-You, Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco.
  • Read Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney.
  • Read first 6 chapters of Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner.
  • Writing ideas: Make a list of people and jot down things that happened with those people as possible ideas. For example, my 6 1/2 year-old grandson, Riley, is obsessed with Steve Erwin, loves nature, collected honeybees the last time I visited, observes lizards, and visits the Alligator Farm every week.
  • Writing ideas: Draw a map of a place you love or are very familiar with. (I chose the house I grew up in.) Then write story ideas on the map. (For example, This is the tree that Doug fell out of and broke his arm. I used to lay on the roof here and read and look at clouds.)
  • Math: pp. 1-12 in student journals, plus study links.
  • Make a postcard about you. Use two pieces of cartulina cut to the size of a large postcard. (1/2 of A4 is perfect). One one piece make the back of the postcard: draw a stamp, address it to me, and write me a note about yourself. One the second piece, make the front of the postcard: draw items that have something to do with you. For example, mine has books, art materials, pencils and notebooks, mountains, etc.


Monday: Music
Tuesday: P.E.
Wednesday: Art
Thursday: Library & P.E.
Friday: Computers

Monday, August 2, 2010

First Day of School!

Welcome to 5th grade!
If you haven't already, please let me know your e-mail so I can send you an invitation to grou.ps. There are important homework assignments on the website. Students and parents both.

Mrs. Stevens