Tuesday is Backward Day
Wednesday is Music Idol Day (dress like your favorite music star)
Thursday is School Colors-Red, Blue, and White.
Friday is school uniform
a.k.a The Miss Rumphius Difference
This Friday afternoon will be Elementary School Unity Day. PK - 5th Grade will be in mixed age teams and need to wear shirts the following colors. Also, don't forget sunscreen and hats.
Team 1: Monkey – Gaby & Moni (studco rep) dress in Brown shirts
1. Nicolas Diaz
2. Belen Ortega
Team 2: Snakes - Ale G and Chris (stuco rep) dress in Green shirts
1. Philip Dobbe
2. Hee Un Ryu
Team 3: Tucans – Tammy & Johnathan (stuco rep) dress in Blue shirts
1. Elena Isabel Jarrin
2. Daksh Seth
Team 4: Jaguars – Esteban and Emily (stuco rep) dress in Yellow shirts
1. Artem Khaybullin
2. Tanner Varni
Team 5: Elephant – Susi & Jordan (stuco rep) dress in Gray shirts
1. Jo Wan Bang
2. Valeria Monero
3. Ivana Weber
Team 6: Tigers – Caro & JuanJo (stuco reps) dress in Orange shirts
1. Eduardo Dassum
2. Carlos Humberto Noriega
Egg & Spoon
Water cup on head
Splish Splish Splash ( duck, duck, goose)
Flower Blow
Balloon Toss