Thursday, March 31, 2011

Late Breaking News!

Spirit Week Next Week: April 4th - 8th

Monday is Twin Day
Tuesday is Backward Day
Wednesday is Music Idol Day (dress like your favorite music star)
Thursday is School Colors-Red, Blue, and White.
Friday is school uniform

Monday, March 21, 2011


Don't forget International Day.
Work on your poll of core values.
Gather things from your home that tell about your culture.
Work on the research needed for your project.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Unity Day this Friday

This Friday afternoon will be Elementary School Unity Day. PK - 5th Grade will be in mixed age teams and need to wear shirts the following colors. Also, don't forget sunscreen and hats.

Team 1: Monkey – Gaby & Moni (studco rep) dress in Brown shirts

1. Nicolas Diaz

2. Belen Ortega

Team 2: Snakes - Ale G and Chris (stuco rep) dress in Green shirts

1. Philip Dobbe

2. Hee Un Ryu

Team 3: Tucans – Tammy & Johnathan (stuco rep) dress in Blue shirts

1. Elena Isabel Jarrin

2. Daksh Seth

Team 4: Jaguars – Esteban and Emily (stuco rep) dress in Yellow shirts

1. Artem Khaybullin

2. Tanner Varni

Team 5: Elephant – Susi & Jordan (stuco rep) dress in Gray shirts

1. Jo Wan Bang

2. Valeria Monero

3. Ivana Weber

Team 6: Tigers – Caro & JuanJo (stuco reps) dress in Orange shirts

1. Eduardo Dassum

2. Carlos Humberto Noriega


Egg & Spoon

Water cup on head

Splish Splish Splash ( duck, duck, goose)


Flower Blow

Balloon Toss

International Day Cometh

Oh, the classroom is a-twitter these with lots of work. We're finishing up our TED talk essays and then will begin work on our TED talk PowerPoints and speeches.
We're also working on our culture unit which will culminate in a display on International Day.
TED Talks will begin promptly at 12:20 on March 25th in the classroom. Displays will be up by 10:30am. Feel free to drop by any time after 10:30 to see the display and make plans to listen to the TED Talks.