Friday, December 10, 2010

Secret Santa

Today we exchanged names for the Secret Santa gift exchange. Please send your gift in BEFORE Friday. Limit $10.00.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Program

What a great job! I'm so proud of the 5th grade for the job they did and am thankful for Mrs. Valerie Terman who does an amazing job as our music teacher.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

3 Things a Bar Graph MUST Have

1. A good title that describes what is being graphed.
2. A list of the groups or categories for which bars are drawn.
3. A number line with a scale: usually labeled.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Food Drive THIS WEEK

It is a tradition here at InterAmerican Academy that we have a school-wide food drive in December. The food is then divided up and given to the maintenance workers.

These man are absolutely amazing. They work hard, they are helpful, they are cheerful, and they are a big part of our school. Please be super-generous in your donations.

The winning class (percentage-wise) will receive a pizza party. However, let's just be generous for the sake of being generous.


Holiday Program THIS WEEK!

The 2nd - 6th Holiday program is this Wednesday, the 8th at 6:30. Please bring your child to my classroom by 6:15.

It is very important that students memorize the words to the music.

See you there!