Sunday, July 25, 2010

School is just around the corner!

Today I created our class social networking site. It will be the go-to place for information and will connect to this blog, as well (as soon as I figure out how). We used last year and it really helped our learning. Groups were able to collaborate, and at the same time I was able to keep track of each student's individual contributions to group projects.

I will form a parent's group where I can post information specifically for you! You can also use it to communicate with one another.

This is a closed community. You have no worries about Internet predators here as I have to approve membership and keep a careful watch on what is uploaded and in chats.

I know I've missed a lot of folks; please send me contact information for those I am missing so I can invite them to the site.

The site is However, you can't see it without an invitation from me. Chao!

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