Thursday, September 1, 2011

Rescate Animal

We will be starting a class competition for Rescate Animal for badly needed supplies to help them do their good work of rescuing animals in danger, abandoned, neglected, and abused around Guayaquil.

Here is how we will proceed:

We will start collections from classrooms on the afternoon of September 12 (after the pet show) until September 22. We will announce the winning class at the Pet Expo on Sat. September 24 and again in the school newsflash. You may begin bringing in donations at your convenience.

The winning class will receive a special day with their name on it. This will include apizza party and a free dress day.

Attached is a flyer listing the items assigned to each class and the point value of each item. The class with the highest points(divided by the number of students in each class-to make it fair for the classes with fewest students to compete) at the end of the competition wins.

Rescate Animal has provided a listing of places where the prices are best value of most of the medical supplies. The classes maybring in the item itself or the monetary value of the item and NHS will purchase the items at the end of the competition. This will make it easier for students to donate as they wish and will be safer for the younger children whose parents may not wish their children to handle medical supplies. I have put some prices where I know them.

There is a file attached for each level including 1 for primary, 1 for intermediate/upper elementary, 1 for middle school, and 1 for high school. Notice at the end of the list there is a section of general donations which is the same for all groups.

For any questions, contact me.

Thank you, and good luck all.

Lisa Evans

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